Having your processing instruments calibrated by someone who understands liquid food production, including what it takes to operate a UHT line matters.
In calibration, the metrological traceability is a fundamental consideration. If the calibrations you perform in your plant are not traceable, you don’t know if they are correct or not and therefore there is really no point in doing them.
Every calibration in the traceability chain needs to be documented. This means of course that the calibration results are documented in the calibration certificate, but also that the calibration procedure is done according to a written procedure according to a quality system. It is pretty clear that a calibration without a calibration certificate is not a proper calibration, and certainly not a traceable calibration. It is also good to remember that if the calibration is done without documented procedures in an environment without a Quality System, the calibration is not reliable and cannot be proven to be traceable.
Diego AriasArmando Valverde Vega thanks for the amazing work you have done to get all systems and procedures in place.
Liquid Consulting
Calibration is not only for regulatory compliance, it is a powerful Quality Assurance and Preventive Maintenance tool, that has the potential to reduce or prevent loosing valuable production time, as well as product quality issues, recalls etc.
Take advantage of our extensive UHT and liquid food processing experience by making Liquid Consulting your processing partner, and let us together secure your production.
If you have not scheduled your 2021, do as many other Aseptic Processing manufacturers, `stay ahead of last minute calls` and schedule with Mathias JohanssonJanderson Mesquita dos Anjos or Francisco Ballester asap.
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